Tighten your Skin with Venus Freeze

Are you concerned with your saggy skin and you want to find a solution?  If you happen to live nearby the Thin Centers in Florida, then you can now have the chance to tighten your saggy skin through Venus Freeze in Jacksonville, FL.  Venus Freeze works in combination of radio frequency and magnetic pulses to access deeply into your skin to achieve the desired optimum results in skin tightening.  This system can induce your skin’s collagen and elastin production which are essential for a healthy, firm and wrinkle free skin.

There are many factors that causes the skin to sag.  Sun exposure, genetics, smoking, lifestyle and aging are among the causes for skin laxity.  Moreover, women after giving birth, can have stretched or sagging skin in the abdominal area.  Venus Freeze is the solution for these skin problems at the office of Dr. Anthony Capasso at Thin Centers.  This innovative technology in skin tightening is effective not only in skin tightening but also in lessening your cellulite fats and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.  Aside from that, Venus Freeze is not only ideal for your face but for your body areas such as your arms, thighs, buttocks, neck and stomach.

Both men and women can benefit from this non-invasive and painless Venus Freeze.  Anyone who feels that their facial and body appearance could be improved by skin tightening can choose Venus Freeze.  There are varieties of skin procedures today and Venus Freeze can offer these benefits:

Call Dr. Anthony Capasso of Thin Centers now at 904-694-0992 to schedule your Venus Freeze for radiant and firm skin!



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