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Naturally Whiten Your Teeth with These Foods

Eating AppleTeeth whitening is one of those things that every wants to reap the benefits of but nobody wants to work for. With in-office teeth whitening, whitening pens, whitening toothpastes, and whitening strips, the list of whitening solutions for you to choose from is virtually endless. However, whitening your teeth doesn’t have to be that hard, especially if you’re just trying to get rid of surface stains caused by foods and dark beverages. Read on to learn more about natural ways to whiten your teeth.


“An apple a day, keeps the doctor away,” might be an old saying that is only a little bit true, but eating an apple a day can actually help keep your smile a little brighter and whiter. The natural acidity in apples combined with the hard texture that acts as a brush against your teeth, both contribute to an apples ability to whiten up your smile in just a few bites. Plus, apples speed up your production of saliva which is one of the best ways to rid your teeth of germs and plaque that cause yellow teeth.


Water is good for pretty much every part of your body— you have a headache? Drink water. You have a cold? Drink water. Your muscles are sore from running? Drink water. And not surprising, water is helpful with teeth whitening as well. Just as mentioned with apples, water helps to speed up your mouths production of saliva which is a natural way to rid your teeth of excess plaque and tartar that causes your teeth to yellow.

As a good tip, make sure that you drink water after you eat food or consume a dark colored beverage like coffee or black tea.


Yes, it’s true that carrots are good for your eyesight, but they’re also good for your teeth as well. Similar to apples, every time you bite into a carrot, your teeth are being wiped clean of plaque and tartar that causes yellowing teeth. In essence, carrots act as a natural toothbrush.

Whitening your teeth doesn’t have to be too much work. In fact, by incorporating these three things into your diet, you can help to whiten your teeth in no time.

To learn more about professional teeth whitening, or to contact an appointment with our office, contact us today!



Put Down the Candy: 3 Seasonal Foods That Are Actually Good for You

Eating SaladWith Halloween in the air and grocery store aisles lined with your favorite candy treats, it can be hard not to grab a few bags for “trick-or-treaters” (Queue your face covered completely in chocolate). Although you can get away with having a piece or two or five of candy this season try to put down the sweet treats and opt for these three seasonal foods that are actually good for you.

  1. Sweet Potatoes

This orange vegetable proves to be one of the healthiest foods available on the market, and with sweet potatoes being in season during fall, you might as well add a few to your grocery list every week. Packed with over 400% of your daily dose of Vitamin A and over 30% of your daily dose of Vitamin C, this starchy treat is not only tasty but awfully healthy as well.

One of the best things about sweet potatoes? You can cook them in a variety of ways. Bake them for a more traditional approach, saute them with some olive oil and onion, or you can even transform them into a sweet potato fry (this probably isn’t the healthiest option, although it is quite tasty).

  1. Pumpkin

Harvest season wouldn’t be harvest season without pumpkin treats to enjoy. And although sweet treats like pumpkin cookies and pumpkin bread are enticing to enjoy, recipes that include fresh pumpkin in them prove to be a healthier alternative. Chock-full of vitamins and minerals, pumpkin is great for your skin, eye health, and your immune system. Plus, this orange vegetable is also good for soothing your stomach after it has been upset.

  1. Apples

Whether you prefer Honeycrisp, Gala, or Pink Lady as your number one choice of apple, this sweet fruit is the perfect way to curb off candy cravings and replace them with something a bit more healthy. Apples are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and fiber in order to help regulate your digestive system. Snack on some apple slices throughout the day or dip some in some peanut butter for an after dinner snack.

These three fruits and vegetables boast to be the perfect fall treats for everyone in your family to enjoy this season.

To learn more about healthy living, contact our office today!





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